Chambre d’agriculture de Lot et Garonne
FranceContact person:
Arielle MartyE-mail:
arielle.marty@cda47.frContact person:
Fanny MarcatiE-mail:
fanny.marcati@cda47.frThe Chambers of Agriculture are public bodies with 2 missions,
- They are the farmers' representatives to the public authorities.
- They provide advices, training and bring expertise to farmers. They contribute to increase economic, social and environmental performance of farms.
In Lot et Garonne, there are 7000 farmers and the Chamber of Agriculture has developed many services for the farmers:
- It has been a training centre since 1999.
- It provides a wide range of advice and expertise on farming techniques, practices linked to ecology, organic farming, irrigation of crops, economic, social, human advices, etc.
- Its expertise extends to animal and plant productions.