Agrosilver Value project (Erasmus+) delivering video training materials for agroecology
Agrosilver project “Integrating silver knowledge from agroecology into the VET systems” has already launched the recording of video material that will support teachers in the improvement of the digital contents of their lessons.
Agrosilver expects the recording of more than 1.000 minutes of video education materials which will cover different aspects of the agroecology. These videos will be freely available to be used by teachers, students and training centres in their lessons. Videos will come from different EU countries, all of them counting on subtitles in several languages to increase the transferability and usability of the training materials.
Agrosilver project has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, and involve the cooperation of partners from Greece, Spain, Bulgaria, France and Malta during the years 2020 to 2023.
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